一. 建立工程及线程代码框架
1. 新建一个工程。
2. 点击菜单 File -> New -> Other弹出New Items对话框:
3. 选择 Delphi Projects -> Delphi Files ->Thread Object ->OK确定
4. 在弹出对话框Class Name中输入新建线程的名称,比如TMyThread -> OK确定
5. Delphi会自动生成部分代码,保存修改文件名后如下:
unit NewThread; interface uses Classes; type TMyThread = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } protected procedure Execute; override; end; implementation { //这部分注释主要介绍了Synchronize的用法 //Synchronize的介绍请参考: Important: Methods and properties of objects in visual components can only be used in a method called using Synchronize, for example, Synchronize(UpdateCaption); and UpdateCaption could look like, procedure TMyThread.UpdateCaption; begin Form1.Caption := 'Updated in a thread'; end; or Synchronize( procedure begin Form1.Caption := 'Updated in thread via an anonymous method' end ) ); where an anonymous method is passed. Similarly, the developer can call the Queue method with similar parameters as above, instead passing another TThread class as the first parameter, putting the calling thread in a queue with the other thread. } { TMyThread } procedure TMyThread.Execute;//线程启动后自动执行这里的代码 begin { Place thread code here } end; end.
二. 编写主线程代码
unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; MyCS:TRTLCriticalSection;//定义临界区全局变量 implementation uses NewThread;//调用线程单元 var MyThread:TMyThread;//定义线程 {$R *.dfm} {启动线程} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin MyThread:=TMyThread.Create(false); end; {释放线程} procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(MyThread) and (not MyThread.Finished) then//检查线程是否存在并在运行中 begin MyThread.Terminate;//设置线程结束标志 MyThread.WaitFor;//等待线程结束 MyThread.Free;//释放线程 end; end; initialization InitializeCriticalSection(MyCS);//初始化临界区全局变量 finalization DeleteCriticalSection(MyCS);//结束化临界区全局变量 end.
//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // return: // 0-已经释放 // 1-正在运行 // 2-已终止但未释放 // 3-未建立或不存在 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ function TForm3.CheckThread(aThread: TThread): Byte; var i: DWord; IsQuit: Boolean; begin if Assigned(aThread) then //存在 begin IsQuit := GetExitCodeThread(aThread.Handle, i); if IsQuit then begin if i = STILL_ACTIVE then begin Result := 1 end else begin Result := 2; end end else begin Result := 0; //已经释放 end; end else begin Result := 3; //未建立,或不存在 end; end;
三. 编写新线程代码
unit NewThread; interface uses Classes,Windows; type TMyThread = class(TThread) private { Private declarations } protected procedure Execute; override; end; implementation uses Unit1;//调用主线程单元 procedure TMyThread.Execute; begin while not Terminated do begin EnterCriticalSection(MyCS); //进入临界区 try //这里放置要执行的代码 Synchronize( procedure begin //这里放置对VCL界面的更新代码 end ) finally LeaveCriticalSection(MyCS); //离开临界区 end; sleep(1000); if Terminated then//检查线程退出标志 begin break;//Execute执行结束就意味着线程结束 end; end; end; end.